Location of the event

Salle Omnisports de Clarens
1815 Clarens
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Arrival by public transport

The Ominisports room is located 5 minutes walk from Clarens station, accessible with the trains S2 and S3.

Check the schedules

In case of arrival by express train, you will have to get off at Montreux station, then take the bus of the line n°201 in the direction of Vevey until the Dépot VMCV stop.

Bus network map

For people staying in Montreux's various hotels, public transport are free. Remember to ask for your travel card at the reception desk of your hotel.

Arrival by car

Arriving by the A9 motorway, exit n°15 Montreux, then follow the signs Montreux, then Salle Omnisports to the large car park next to the exhibition.

Click here to view the detailed map of the exhibition parking

Caution: You will have to pay the parking on Saturday and Sunday.

You can use the mobile application below to pay your parking fees.


In case the car park is full, the map below lists the different car parks available in the region, click on the icons for more details.

You can also make use of the numerous other parking facilities available throughout the city. Use the link below to see the complete parking facilities.

GPS coordinates

+46° 26' 27.05", +6° 53' 24.60"